Most personal injury victims don’t need to be told twice that they should seek medical care for serious injuries as soon as possible after the accident has occurred. Failing to do so could unnecessarily complicate the recovery process. Unfortunately, though, some personal injury victims hesitate to seek medical care.
Getting an idea of what to expect is the best way to ease any lingering fears about going to the hospital and seeking ongoing treatment. Every injury is a little bit different. Following are common treatments for several different types of serious injuries.
Spinal Injuries
Whether they have occurred due to a vehicular accident or a slip and fall, spinal cord injuries can range substantially in severity. Some patients will need only an orthopedic evaluation with a specialist followed by chiropractic care or physical therapy. Others will require nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, or surgery.
The most common types of surgical procedures performed on personal injury victims who have experienced spinal cord damage are known as spinal fusion, laminectomy, discectomy, and microdiscectomy. Spinal fusion is used to stabilize the spine when there is disc damage or abnormal motion between vertebrae. Known more generally as spinal decompression procedures, the latter three procedures are designed to alleviate pain associated with pinched nerves.
Knee Injuries
As with spine injuries, minor knee injuries can typically be treated using medication, physical therapy or immobilization. More-serious knee injuries almost always require surgical intervention, though. Some of the most-common knee surgeries include meniscus repair or transplant, tendon repair, ACL reconstructive surgery, microfracture surgery, and partial or full knee replacement.
Shoulder Injuries
Most shoulder injuries are treated by joint specialists. In many cases, medical intervention in the form of orthopedic evaluation, physical therapy, and the prescription of medication may be enough to facilitate a patient’s recovery. Some severe shoulder injuries may also require surgical interventions, though. These might include arthroscopic shoulder debridement, repair or stabilization, and traditional rotator cuff repair or replacement.
Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can be very serious so it is not uncommon for patients who have experienced TBIs to require substantial medical care. Most patients who have suffered moderate to severe brain injuries will require EKG monitoring, the placement of a Foley catheter and nasogastric tube, and possibly the use of a ventilator. These forms of initial intensive care may sound frightening, but they’re designed to ensure that the patient is able to be stabilized safely.
Unlike some of the procedures described above, the treatment for TBI is often more complex. Patients may require brain surgery, acute and post-acute rehabilitation, and on-going outpatient therapy or home services. Patients who are unable to make a quick recovery may also need to be placed in rehabilitative nursing homes or independent living programs if they do not have access to family caregivers who can help them with community re-entry.
Contact Hadley Law Firm Today For a Consultation
While every patient needs to keep in mind that only a qualified doctor can offer a definitive diagnosis and come up with an effective treatment plan, it can be helpful to have some idea of what to expect. Hopefully, though, accident victims will feel more confident in their decisions to seek help after hearing about some of the ways that the right medical treatment can assist in their recovery.
Those who are concerned about paying for their treatment shouldn’t hesitate to contact a personal injury attorney at Hadley Law Firm to discuss their options. There is simply no reason that any accident victim should be left bankrupt after being injured due to no fault of his or her own. A lawyer can help personal injury victims get access to the compensation they need to pay for necessary treatment and facilitate full recovery, so call today.